Gana puntos y conviértelos en recompensas
- 01
Regístrate como miembro para comenzar a disfrutar del programa de fidelización
- 02
Gana puntos
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1 punto por cada $1 gastado
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50 puntos
- 03
Canjea recompensas
Order discount
20 puntos = $1 de descuento
Divinity Sweet Shop Refund Policy
We understand that plans change, and we're happy to accommodate cancellations whenever possible. Here's our refund policy for orders placed at Divinity Sweet Shop:
Full Refund (100%)
Cancellations made at least 5 days prior to your order's pick-up or delivery date will receive a full refund.
Partial Refund (50%)
Cancellations made between 72 hours (3 days) and 24 hours before your order's pick-up or delivery date will receive a 50% refund.
No Refund
Unfortunately, cancellations made with less than 24 hours' notice will not be eligible for a refund.
Important Notes
This policy applies to all orders, including custom cakes, pastries, and pre-ordered treats.
Refunds will be processed to the original payment method used for the purchase.
Please note that processing times for refunds may vary depending on your bank.
We recommend contacting us as soon as possible if you need to cancel your order. You can reach us by phone at 720-483-4920 or by email at
Thank you for your understanding!
Divinity Sweet Shop Refund Policy